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 Will increased EXP affect Favours?

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Number of posts : 14
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-08-27

Will increased EXP affect Favours? Empty
PostSubject: Will increased EXP affect Favours?   Will increased EXP affect Favours? I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 5:34 pm

Hi GM/guys,
I only began yesterday so this post is not well researched, so please correct me if I am wrong. I am now lvl 53 and started the horn of moulek quest at 39. I got my first horn at lvl 46.5 and my second at 47.3. By the time I took up the second part, I was already 48! The quest is between lvl 39 and 49 so effectively I cannot do this quest more than 1 time. Also, I have been looking for the parak hide since 48 but not a single quest drop yet!

So, I feel that the quest drops are not in sync with the massive EXP boost and I am sure this will affect favours. On low EXP servers, you can spam quests and get good favours/relation early (by G8/G9) but here due to the massive lvl boost (am 53 in about 3 hrs of play) I dont think favours will come easy Sad unless of course the GMs have upped the favours rate too Smile

AT lvl 53, I only have 13K lore!!! terrible Sad Not sure if this worry of mine is valid...as I said its early days yet...though its great to play with the merc and super shue form lvl 1 and 15 mil wiz Smile woooooooowwww:)

One last thing I have noticed, though we have all lvl 1 skills, the other skill scrolls do not really drop as easy ! Is there some tweaking still to be done?

Please do not flame this post, I was trying to be constructive and get your thoughts as also to try and improve gameplay! Cheers guys and have a great day!
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Number of posts : 16
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Registration date : 2008-08-23

Will increased EXP affect Favours? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will increased EXP affect Favours?   Will increased EXP affect Favours? I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 5:50 pm

[b]well bro if u r playing in a server which has 20x exp rtate then u will hv lore problem...but y u need lore point when u can go on hving point by lvl up here u dont need to worry taht u wil take 1 year to reach 150 or ven higher...i think after u hv reached sm gud state u can do S-Q n earn lore frm der...
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Number of posts : 14
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-08-27

Will increased EXP affect Favours? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will increased EXP affect Favours?   Will increased EXP affect Favours? I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 8:01 pm

thanks for the reply dude Smile Its not actually the lore I worry about...its not having a relation, which will make crafting difficult Sad But anyway I suppose everything just gets pushed back a bit with me probably having to spam lvl 120+ Quests like crazy and as you said, doing the SQs....but I still worry about relations.... Sad

Anyone playing as yet who has developed any relations?

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Number of posts : 16
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Registration date : 2008-08-23

Will increased EXP affect Favours? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will increased EXP affect Favours?   Will increased EXP affect Favours? I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 9:56 pm

As per Relation do u mean the bonding with fellow players...then dont worry bro...all hv started with same pace who plays hardder goes forward...n its not a game which will over in a month so ppl will bonding with others players as we used to hv in others server one need help....n when one need help he will ask for it hence he will make friend like this its will carry on...u cm play game i know u wil like it sooner or later for sure....we hv been playing in server like this n i promise u will love it bro
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Number of posts : 14
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-08-27

Will increased EXP affect Favours? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will increased EXP affect Favours?   Will increased EXP affect Favours? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 7:39 pm

Hey Mystique thanks for the reply Smile I meant, the relation with the NPCs...to get mounting requirement reduction...anyway it does not matter - let us see Smile Im sur eth guys r great in-game (I havent been pked yet lol)
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Number of posts : 14
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Registration date : 2008-09-02

Will increased EXP affect Favours? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will increased EXP affect Favours?   Will increased EXP affect Favours? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 5:25 am

Elysian wrote:
Hi GM/guys,
I only began yesterday so this post is not well researched, so please correct me if I am wrong. I am now lvl 53 and started the horn of moulek quest at 39. I got my first horn at lvl 46.5 and my second at 47.3. By the time I took up the second part, I was already 48! The quest is between lvl 39 and 49 so effectively I cannot do this quest more than 1 time. Also, I have been looking for the parak hide since 48 but not a single quest drop yet!

So, I feel that the quest drops are not in sync with the massive EXP boost and I am sure this will affect favours. On low EXP servers, you can spam quests and get good favours/relation early (by G8/G9) but here due to the massive lvl boost (am 53 in about 3 hrs of play) I dont think favours will come easy Sad unless of course the GMs have upped the favours rate too Smile

AT lvl 53, I only have 13K lore!!! terrible Sad Not sure if this worry of mine is valid...as I said its early days yet...though its great to play with the merc and super shue form lvl 1 and 15 mil wiz Smile woooooooowwww:)

One last thing I have noticed, though we have all lvl 1 skills, the other skill scrolls do not really drop as easy ! Is there some tweaking still to be done?

Please do not flame this post, I was trying to be constructive and get your thoughts as also to try and improve gameplay! Cheers guys and have a great day!

HI all

Thats the main problem when u have 20*5*EXP
I donno if the gms have done it or no but in many other private server as players dont get npc favour GMS have changed the success rates of many crafting items which compensates the relation with npc and that after this also if u want u get favour from npc the try to sell all the drops u get at a single npc it dosent effect as much as quest but but has small difference and that i have a charecter in other private server(dont want to mention it) with same exp
rate which has 30% relation with kaduru even with out doing one Q u cant xpect gifts from the npc as u get in a3india server but it hlps in crafting .So try to sell all drops at same npc with whom u want relation

Hope so it hlps you!!!

monsterslaye aka prasanth
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Number of posts : 14
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-08-27

Will increased EXP affect Favours? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will increased EXP affect Favours?   Will increased EXP affect Favours? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 6:07 pm

Thanks dude Smile I am trying to sell stuff and earn favours, hope it works! @ GMs, taking on from what slayer wrote; have you guys increased the crafting success rate? Cheers!
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Will increased EXP affect Favours? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will increased EXP affect Favours?   Will increased EXP affect Favours? I_icon_minitime

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