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 Laggging like helll!!!!!!

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4 posters

Number of posts : 4
Age : 34
Registration date : 2008-08-24

Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2008 1:39 am

Game is Lagging like hell after u left us in c3....it almost freezes for 10 to 20 seconds then 1 movement and again same....plzzzz do smthing asap.....ty affraid Suspect
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Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 2:01 am

There is no server Side Problem to cause any laag.
We are running the server on 100mbps connection, so there should not be any problem!
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- Ishida -
- Ishida -

Number of posts : 73
Age : 34
Location : 18­°27'N, 73°51'E
Registration date : 2008-08-24

Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 10:50 am

Alright, as I'm hearing from most players around me, by which I mean those living near where I live, they're all experiencing ping in the range of 150+ and sometimes 300+.

This can be due to the fact that the server is located where you said it's located - The U.S. of A.

Not only is that sad news for those players, but it also raises the question, "Why did the server have to be there?! Why not Singapore or somewhere closer?" I mean, I'm not just pointing out that it could be the problem with the server location, but... I'm taking into consideration that most ISP's are able to deliver less ping.

Well, if it is, in fact, a problem with most ISP's delivering less ping, and others more, please... I request those who experience the former to post their ISP name here.
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Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 12:09 pm

- Ishida - wrote:
Alright, as I'm hearing from most players around me, by which I mean those living near where I live, they're all experiencing ping in the range of 150+ and sometimes 300+.

This can be due to the fact that the server is located where you said it's located - The U.S. of A.

Not only is that sad news for those players, but it also raises the question, "Why did the server have to be there?! Why not Singapore or somewhere closer?" I mean, I'm not just pointing out that it could be the problem with the server location, but... I'm taking into consideration that most ISP's are able to deliver less ping.

Well, if it is, in fact, a problem with most ISP's delivering less ping, and others more, please... I request those who experience the former to post their ISP name here.

Well, at the moment, you got no Dedicated Server Provider who would rent a Server to an Overseas Customer. Even though if they rent, it would be under a 12 Month Contract, So if the server doesn't do well, You don't have no solution for 1 Year.

Its not possible to host the server in any unknown country, as that will affect its Security. Additionally the Host Provider should be Trustworthy, Responsive, should have 100% uptime, and should have better hardware.

At the Moment, I assure you that the Server's Network Connection is fine, as you don't receive any Request Timed Out. It is just due to the distance that makes the difference. Additionally there is no laag for UK and USA Players. That is the reason why i have hosted the website on a Third Party hosting Service, Just to make sure that there is no additional load on the server.

I am on Sify connection and its always fine., as fine as other servers. I think BSNL players will be experiencing more Ping. It always happens with BSNL, even when you are playing World of Warcraft, you experiance 700ms Pings, while others get only 150-300ms

I would try to shift the server once I find a Good hosting provider.
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- Ishida -
- Ishida -

Number of posts : 73
Age : 34
Location : 18­°27'N, 73°51'E
Registration date : 2008-08-24

Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 12:54 pm

[GM]Scar wrote:
Well, at the moment, you got no Dedicated Server Provider who would rent a Server to an Overseas Customer. Even though if they rent, it would be under a 12 Month Contract, So if the server doesn't do well, You don't have no solution for 1 Year.
I didn't know that. This sure was enlightening.

[GM]Scar wrote:
Its not possible to host the server in any unknown country, as that will affect its Security. Additionally the Host Provider should be Trustworthy, Responsive, should have 100% uptime, and should have better hardware.
You've got a point there.

[GM]Scar wrote:
It is just due to the distance that makes the difference. Additionally there is no laag for UK and USA Players.
Well, that's the only hitch at the moment.

[GM]Scar wrote:
I am on Sify connection and its always fine., as fine as other servers. I think BSNL players will be experiencing more Ping. It always happens with BSNL, even when you are playing World of Warcraft, you experiance 700ms Pings, while others get only 150-300ms
Yeah, that's right. I'm a BSNL customer, and I know the ping hassles associated with playing most MMORPG's. I mean, even private servers for Ragnarok Online lagged a bit when I used to play. Same with WoW-Scape's servers.
As for Sify, my experience with them has been really bad.

[GM]Scar wrote:
I would try to shift the server once I find a Good hosting provider.
That's good.
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-08-28

Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 10:17 pm

Hi Scar i am a Bsnl 2mbps connection user i am gettin a constant high ping of 300-310 n game freezes while playin Sad
this is the results frm bsnl hope it helps u 2 fine wer v r lagging

Tracing route to balder938.startdedicated.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 * * * Request timed out.
4 * 36 ms *
5 36 ms 36 ms 38 ms AES-Static- []
6 36 ms 36 ms 36 ms
7 259 ms 256 ms 256 ms so-4-3-1.edge2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []
8 264 ms 264 ms 259 ms vlan99.csw4.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []

9 257 ms * 269 ms ae-93-93.ebr3.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []
10 * 265 ms 269 ms ae-2.ebr3.SanJose1.Level3.net []
11 271 ms 269 ms 269 ms ae-83-83.csw3.SanJose1.Level3.net []

12 * * * Request timed out.
13 294 ms 290 ms 290 ms ae-3.ebr1.Denver1.Level3.net []
14 306 ms 308 ms 308 ms ae-4-4.car1.StLouis1.Level3.net []
15 308 ms 308 ms 308 ms ae-11-11.car2.StLouis1.Level3.net []

16 * 308 ms 308 ms MESH-SOLUTI.car2.StLouis1.Level3.net []
17 * 309 ms 308 ms balder938.startdedicated.com []

Trace complete.
if u notice 4.78.198 ip we get high ping ty gms
will b waiting fr ur Reply Smile
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Forum Head™ & Moderator
Forum Head™ & Moderator

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Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 12:16 am

7 259 ms 256 ms 256 ms so-4-3-1.edge2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []

try asking BSNL to change the routing and hop this IP . totally ISP Side lagg same is the Problem with MTNL
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Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 10:27 am

You guys have Pinged the wrong IP address.

Well, i guess that would not make any difference though!
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 36
Location : mangalore
Registration date : 2008-08-28

Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 5:36 pm

Den wats the serv Ip Scar?
yea we customers cant approch the bsnl to chng the rout. but tyhe Game Admins can Try it 1's Plz Do it fr us
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Laggging like helll!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laggging like helll!!!!!!   Laggging like helll!!!!!! I_icon_minitime

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