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 When is the Game Guide Being Uploaded?

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Number of posts : 14
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-08-27

When is the Game Guide Being Uploaded? Empty
PostSubject: When is the Game Guide Being Uploaded?   When is the Game Guide Being Uploaded? I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2008 10:45 am

Hi GMs,
I have only played A3India which is a 2 episode server (as I am sure everyone here knows Twisted Evil ) and I do not really get time to play any other server so I am not quite sure about the new features for Epi 5. Yesterday I got to know that 'custom mercenaries' were basically mercenaries that would reflect the equipment they were wearing but for everything else, I am not sure where to get the info from (eg : what is this new Materra- gold to wiz? where does gold drop? or is it earned like wiz? or after questing) Other aspects too which I would be very interested in - God osses, what are they.There are new skills as well ... anyway I am sure there is lots of info, problem is I am not sure where the info can be found. In the absence of a game guide (which I hope will be released soon!) can someone please help out and link to other sites that have Epi5 game guides? Many thanks in advance! Smile
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