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- Ishida -
9 posters

Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2008-08-28

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2008 8:07 pm

All I can say is... why...

Why on earth would anybody want to play an A3 server where u have everything from the word go, this server is like 3 days old and people are 140+ with super shues and have already made guilds.... why

why do u want to create an epi 5 A3 server and give everyone all their skills at lvl 1 as soon as they start... how stupid is that?

If people cant play the game properly when why bother to play at all... some guy says he needs Opals Peridots and Garnets cause he is lvl 140+ and he cant boss... wtf? perhaps he shouldnt be playing if he cant boss at level 140+

I am so tired of new servers coming out and totally sucking cause the people on the server dont know how to play or the admins do something stupid like give away 15million woonz right at the start and give all skills at level 1.

I really thought after the help I gave to CVR Dheeraj to get this server running that it would actually be worth playing, all of the bonuses there are to playing an Epi 5 server... Unique armour gets, Mega Super Shue, Kwaons, Bileros and Redyans Rings.

Why do you need to ruin it by giving everyone all skills from level 1.... let them play properly, its 20x exp its not like its hard to level up... seriously

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just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 1:51 am

Well, Franky Speaking, You need to Blame Actoz.. Not me..
A3 is a dead game at the moment if you ask me.. So hence now a days people just dont want to waste more time on 1X EXP server rates. It might be true that giving Skills, SS and stuffs might affect the game balance. But then if we have 1X EXP rate, 1EXP drop, then what is the difference between a Private server and an Official Server? Private Servers are know to have better rates than Official. It might be the sole reason why people like to drift themselves into some Third Party Server. Just because everything is instantaneous.

Let me give you an instance why i thought like this..

IF you want to go out and Kill an Episode 4 creeps which is as strong as a Clarb Boss, you obviously need more stats. And hence you need rapid level up. No one would be interested in 1X EXP rate if that was the case. Being a story based Official server is entirely different because the fun that new things will come will always be there.

The game is made that way and since Actoz is no longer making A3, it would always be better to add something to make it better!

I couldnt give a better reply to your Query!

--CVR Dheeraj
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Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2008-08-28

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 2:12 pm

Actually Actoz does still develop A3 just for the info, it develops in korean only tho, but I never said anything about 1x exp and 1x woonz...

I said it was retarded to give all skills at level 1 from the word go, if people cant play a3 to the extent of having to find their skills then why bother to play at all... it ruins servers when people do stupid stuff like that.

You have people on your server who are level 140+ and cant kill bosses because they dont have opals, peridots or garnets.... are you kidding me?

perhaps if they knew how to play the game without being given the skills for nothing they might know how to kill a boss at level 140
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- Ishida -
- Ishida -

Number of posts : 73
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Location : 18­°27'N, 73°51'E
Registration date : 2008-08-24

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 2:31 pm

Oh hells yes!

Props to Kovia for fighting the good fight, BUT...

What's this I see?!

just....why? IshidaWTF

*EDIT* I'm seeing more threads being posted by the same person.
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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2008-08-21

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 3:35 pm

actually Kovia is right. instead of all the skills, i think the Quest Exp should be raised, more than Creep Exp. it will encourage Questing, thus giving players a certain path to follow where they can achieve a complete understanding of a particular character by getting to use all its skills against different creeps. at present, everyone goes to C3 with a mage and levels up like crazy. Its like a race in which no one can have fun. Embarassed

just my two cents..
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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2008-08-25

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 4:00 pm

well i will wtell ya why we play on these server
FOR FUN !!!!
ok i played a3india for 2yrs reached 140+ i have a good mage good set and was happy but im bored same maps same boring events
i dont hv uniq and i dun pk or participate in those stupid pointless T Q wars
but @ a point it becomes just too boring to go quest in syvave or party in tao or go bossing
talking abt bossing THRS NO BOSSES LEFT FOR ppl lower than 150
if you do find 1 ur PKED

atlest here we can hv sm fun, lvl up fast. kill bosses we cant on the official server thn frgt abt it
++ dis server is free a3india makies you pay for crap total crap
GMs dun care...thrs a open post in the general section on how to hack the server n GMs ingnore it lolzzzz
the server is totaly commercial thy wont giv us epi 3 thy wont take measures to add new stuff ORRRR atlest have sm decent events
no TOD no nuin only crappy bossing events whr again we are pked

on top of it all if u dun wanna play on these server dont play and dont complain go play on ur official server
and the same is done there every 130 or below pays like 3 to 7 mill to get leeched in c3 so wats the diff u leec thr u leech here
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- Ishida -
- Ishida -

Number of posts : 73
Age : 34
Location : 18­°27'N, 73°51'E
Registration date : 2008-08-24

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 10:20 pm

Raphael wrote:
It's like a race in which no one can have fun.

just my two cents..


Those two cents go a long way.
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Forum Head™ & Moderator
Forum Head™ & Moderator

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just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 11:02 pm

..Truly games for entertainment ! but if u play a3 on a official server u have to waste ur whole days weeks month's even years
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- Ishida -
- Ishida -

Number of posts : 73
Age : 34
Location : 18­°27'N, 73°51'E
Registration date : 2008-08-24

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 31, 2008 11:19 am

Uh-huh... And what about this?!
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Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2008-08-28

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 3:32 am

[Gm]Danni wrote:
..Truly games for entertainment ! but if u play a3 on a official server u have to waste ur whole days weeks month's even years

and its not a total waste of time playing a server where your given so much for nothing from the start there is actually no game play involved at all cause theres nothing u cant do by the time your level 60?

A3 India is a total waste of time but that doesnt mean you need to make a 2nd server thats a complete waste of time...

Quote :
talking abt bossing THRS NO BOSSES LEFT FOR ppl lower than 150
if you do find 1 ur PKED

thats because none of you have any idea how to play the game or what your doing because you are given it all from the word go... back to A3 Hades when i used to play that server as a level 140 mage I was able to stand in the middle of the 5 or 6 blue phameinos in the middle of Nevia Canyon, tank them all AND tank some other mage around level 120 trying to pk with Strip Blast...

its not difficult at all you just need to know how to actually play the game....

Quote :
on top of it all if u dun wanna play on these server dont play and dont complain go play on ur official server
and the same is done there every 130 or below pays like 3 to 7 mill to get leeched in c3 so wats the diff u leec thr u leech here

first of all... there was no complaint I think you will find this section of the forums is there so people can give oppinions on how to improve the server and thats exactly what I did...

2ndly... I have no idea why you are refering to being leeched in C3, why that has anything to do with anything anyone has said I am not sure, you dont need to be leeched you could do it faster yourself with the setup the way it is...
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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2008-08-31

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 1:58 pm

Meh. In the end, a typical mage uses 3 skills. SB, Pan and Sed. The vaguely smarter ones cast FW.

Quote :
back to A3 Hades when i used to play that server as a level 140 mage I was able to stand in the middle of the 5 or 6 blue phameinos in the middle of Nevia Canyon, tank them all AND tank some other mage around level 120 trying to pk with Strip Blast..
If you were one of the main players there, you'd have been loaded with level 10 30% mounted G10's and shit. It was a pretty unfair server. And I don't think you would have been able to kill that mob + Pk'er without the aforesaid equips.

Quote :
and its not a total waste of time playing a server where your given so much for nothing from the start there is actually no game play involved at all cause theres nothing u cant do by the time your level 60?
The main purpose of playing an MMORPG is to make friends, enemies, and interact with them. Playing just for the game play would be like playing a screwed up single player game. Hunting for skills just pisses me off anyway because I know I'll get it eventually, but I could be off partying with friends and such at that time.

Quote :
If people cant play the game properly when why bother to play at all
Cuz everyone can learn to play a game properly given time. Not everyone has the ability to learn stuff fast.

Quote :
I said it was retarded to give all skills at level 1 from the word go, if people cant play a3 to the extent of having to find their skills then why bother to play at all... it ruins servers when people do stupid stuff like that.
Admittedly, it does ruin the game, but not in the way you say it does. People play for different reasons. Being general never gets anywhere. The idea of having all the skills pretty much ruins a large part of the economy...

Quote :
first of all... there was no complaint I think you will find this section of the forums is there so people can give oppinions on how to improve the server and thats exactly what I did...
Cheers! =D
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Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2008-08-28

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 7:44 pm

Quote :
If you were one of the main players there, you'd have been loaded with level 10 30% mounted G10's and shit. It was a pretty unfair server. And I don't think you would have been able to kill that mob + Pk'er without the aforesaid equips.

I was the #1 player on A3 Hades till I stopped playing at level 161... there was nothing unfair about the server at all, I just know how to play A3 and people whined about it is all there was to it and you are infact mistaken it is more than possible to do what I stated without level 10 grade 10 stuff, infact I was in g8/g9 at the time and no not level 10, more like level 7/8. Like i said... it just shows how much there is people dont know howt A3 cause servers do stupid things like give away stuff they dont need to...

Quote :
The main purpose of playing an MMORPG is to make friends, enemies, and interact with them. Playing just for the game play would be like playing a screwed up single player game. Hunting for skills just pisses me off anyway because I know I'll get it eventually, but I could be off partying with friends and such at that time.

Firstly: I would like to point out that there is actually no "purpose" at all for playing an MMORPG besides to waste time.

Secondly: I dont play any games for the game play cause if that was the case I would of died of bordem a long long time ago

Thirdly: If you arent able to hunt for the skills then why the hell do you even bother to try to play the game...

Lets contact Actoz and ask them to make a game where the max level is 5000 and when you start you are already lvl 5000 with maximum stats, highest grade gear, you hit 50,000 dmg from a single hit with w/e weapon your using and you can do anything and everything before you've even started playing the game and see how much they laugh at you cause your being fu**ing stupid shall we?
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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2008-08-31

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 10:30 pm

Quote :
there was nothing unfair about the server at all
just....why? 2008year4month3date19hogg4

Quote :
you are infact mistaken it is more than possible to do what I stated without level 10 grade 10 stuff, infact I was in g8/g9 at the time and no not level 10, more like level 7/8.
Did you notice my emphasis on the word "think" ?

Quote :
Like i said... it just shows how much there is people dont know howt A3 cause servers do stupid things like give away stuff they dont need to...
I'm assuming that means there are so many people who don't know how to play A3. Personally, I didn't find ANY player in A3 Hades who could be described as "good". Unless of course, you were the only one...

Quote :
Firstly: I would like to point out that there is actually no "purpose" at all for playing an MMORPG besides to waste time.
Wasting time is just a matter of perspective. What you think as a waste of time, others might think its useful. As far as I'm concerned, meeting new people, hanging out with friends is never purposeless. Maybe you should get out more...

Quote :
Secondly: I dont play any games for the game play cause if that was the case I would of died of bordem a long long time ago
My point exactly...

Quote :
Thirdly: If you arent able to hunt for the skills then why the hell do you even bother to try to play the game...
Can you read ?
Quote :
Hunting for skills just pisses me off anyway because I know I'll get it eventually, but I could be off partying with friends and such at that time.

Quote :

Lets contact Actoz and ask them to make a game where the max level is 5000 and when you start you are already lvl 5000 with maximum stats, highest grade gear, you hit 50,000 dmg from a single hit with w/e weapon your using and you can do anything and everything before you've even started playing the game and see how much they laugh at you cause your being fu**ing stupid shall we?
Lets start with how much of a moron your being ? =]

Seriously, taking everything at face value just shows how shallow your intelligence is, to the extent of its existence. LEVELING with friends, PARTYING with friends, familiar concepts, say ? I realize your being sarcastic, but atleast base your sarcasm on some real data. Allow me to be defensive : I never said we should start at maximum level, never said we should have "highest grade gears", never said that I want to hit 50k with a single blow. What I did say is, the fun of being in a private server is that you don't have to be bothered about being outclassed by people who are obsessed with said game. Get along on skill more...

uh stupid power cuts. More on this later. I have'nt had time to review my post, so excuse any mistakes. bb
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Number of posts : 3
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-08-31

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 10:48 pm

Hahahaa Razz # 1 Player , That seriously made me fall off my chair.
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- Ishida -
- Ishida -

Number of posts : 73
Age : 34
Location : 18­°27'N, 73°51'E
Registration date : 2008-08-24

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 10:56 pm

Serenade wrote:
Lets start with how much of a moron your being ? =]

Seriously, taking everything at face value just shows how shallow your intelligence is, to the extent of its existence. LEVELING with friends, PARTYING with friends, familiar concepts, say ? I realize your being sarcastic, but atleast base your sarcasm on some real data. Allow me to be defensive : I never said we should start at maximum level, never said we should have "highest grade gears", never said that I want to hit 50k with a single blow. What I did say is, the fun of being in a private server is that you don't have to be bothered about being outclassed by people who are obsessed with said game. Get along on skill more...

uh stupid power cuts. More on this later. I have'nt had time to review my post, so excuse any mistakes. bb

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Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2008-08-28

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 11:15 pm

Where was that screenshot taken, i've never seen that screenshot before.

I am assuming its from A3 Hades but I dont know which char or anything it is?

Quote :
Seriously, taking everything at face value just shows how shallow your intelligence is, to the extent of its existence. LEVELING with friends, PARTYING with friends, familiar concepts, say ? I realize your being sarcastic, but atleast base your sarcasm on some real data. Allow me to be defensive : I never said we should start at maximum level, never said we should have "highest grade gears", never said that I want to hit 50k with a single blow. What I did say is, the fun of being in a private server is that you don't have to be bothered about being outclassed by people who are obsessed with said game. Get along on skill more...

what you said was.... its boring to hunt and play the game the way its supposed to be played because games should be there for you to level and party with your friends.... if thats what you meant or not i dont know but that is exactly what you said... just in less of a direct fashion

Is it not possible to level up and party with friends whilst still playing the game the way it was developed to be played... we did it in A3 SG without any problem, people do it in A3 India without any problem, so why does it suddenly become a huge problem on here?

Who ever mentioned anyone being outclassed by people who are obsessed with a game?

I simply said.... giving all skills at level 1 from the word go... is fucking stupid and its nothing more than a fact, it is stupid it cannot be denyed.

if a mage in A3 for example was meant to be able to use SB at level 10 then why is there a level 108 level restriction on level one....

I wonder why the developers thought it would be a good idea to make it so creating a super shue required breeding 2 lvl 100 normal shues if they just wanted people who played the game to have one from level 1

Theres no point in carrying this on because clearly our gaming styles are extremely difficult, I want to play on a server with other people who have some clue what the hell they are doing and know how to play the game rather than on a server full of noobs who cry about people cheating cause they just know how to play the game and the only reason these noobs ever get past level 50 is because its so fucking easy because the server just gives them all this stuff from level 1...

Thanks for the debate but like i said.... my style of gaming is different so no use carrying it on
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Registration date : 2008-08-31

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 7:49 am

Funny how you assumed that everyone who plays in the server are "Noobs" who apparently "DONT" Know how to play a3. Pretty sure some of them in skill wise could easily kick your butt. Got ego much ?
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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2008-08-21

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 8:46 pm

erm... i am not really sure where is this argument going... the objective of this thread was to make this server more STORY-ORIENTED. which means we follow the game from the beginning. every single quest constitutes in the understanding of the game. playing an MMO with all skills n stuff like that is like reading a book without understanding the story, just turning the pages Smile

and i think that people make more friends while questing. they share ideas about beating different monsters, searching for good places to hunt etc..

i think a general player who just wants to have fun would hate this, but MMOs are for immersion gaming. u should know everything about your world, shouldnt you ?

i still think that making quest exp much higher than creep kill exp would be better for the server.

cheers !

PS - ty Ishida Very Happy
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Registration date : 2008-08-23

just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 10:25 pm


if a mage in A3 for example was meant to be able to use SB at level 10 then why is there a level 108 level restriction on level one....

I wonder why the developers thought it would be a good idea to make it so creating a super shue required breeding 2 lvl 100 normal shues if they just wanted people who played the game to have one from level 1


Let me say i was playing on server 5 epi n i had a char rb 22 times...then u can imagine the sthregth my char will be hving...but if i hv to join this server then i need smthing even bettr here so that i will taht server n start playing in thsi server...u ppl hv been playing with a game play of 150 lvl only i think...wih going on add stats on vitality frm lvl 90 so u wont get how boring its for us to go on doing quest in new server n go asking for lvl n party......

this the reason why GM's hv gven all skill lvl 1 15mil wz n many more facilties for ppl like us to like playing in this server...start lvl our char frm lvl 1 n gettning it rbed agagin n again...if this stuff wont hv been here..mnay of us wont hv been playing...in this server..n ya as GM said A3 has become sick...so this stuff r liked by many...
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just....why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 5:02 am


Its worth it playing an official server when the game creators are developing the game so that new things cm to the game it becomes interesting yes the official WORLD OF WARCRAFT server goes on very well as now also as the creators are developing the game frequently .And talking about a3india official server to make 161 from 160 takes hell lot of time which many of them have which makes the game booring and that ppl play games for time pass ,fun,entertainment which is totally missing in official server then y the hell do u want to support the official A3 server.

And talking about the SS and SET its to attract the player towards the game why do ppl want to play all other private server if the are given the same old g1 set,normal shue with no ele on it, wasting time to make full g9 set and SS .If u find 2 or 3 noobs who cant do bossing even at lvl 140 try to tell them how to do or leave it for god sake and that i dont think if fair enough to blame whole server because of 2 or 3 noobs .

I agree that u had tanked 5 phams in nc (in hades server) i was also a high lvl player in that server and i also agree that u are the #1 161 player in that server then y dont u tell us how u became lvl 161 and that to in a 10 xexp server in 10-25 days u went from 160 to 161 dont u think thats some thing funny to laugh when all 150 players dying to make one lvl up making a whole party in t series its the BUG u used so u cannt be proud saying that u are the first 161 player in the server I am also the one who used that bug and i am very sad to say that hades is so fckedup these days that every noob and his merc are carrying g9 uni lvl 15 and g10 set with max eles which show
how the gms are looking after the game then wts the use playing the servers like those.Atleast in this server the gms are fair enough for all the players.

srry if i had hurt you!!

prasanth (raze in hades server)
(monsterslaye in a3mania)
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PostSubject: Re: just....why?   just....why? I_icon_minitime

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