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 My two cents on archer build

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Number of posts : 22
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-08-22

My two cents on archer build Empty
PostSubject: My two cents on archer build   My two cents on archer build I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 8:46 pm

I've played archers pretty extensively on non rebirth server and hopefully some of what I learned there will apply on this server too.

When it comes to passive skills, here are the two builds I used to go with.
1) Max critical build: Max out your fatality and wpn mastery skills and stick with an archer merc(on which you max fatality and hustler). Use bow archer boots as they have the highest critical rate in the game, getting 35% crits at g10 Shocked. If you can get your hands on a g9 uniq xbow as well, you'll have 34%(from a lvl100 ss)+35%(maxed g10 boots)+10%(merc)+14%(lvl6 fatality)+7%(g9 str uniq)=99% crits! With a g9 uniq which gives x2.5% crit dmg you'll have a really high dmg output.

This build may not be worth the effort here cos you could just collect 3.5bil, lvl some shues and get a sss which would give you +85% crits anyway.

2) Max evasion build: Pump all your passive points into evasion and magic evasion, wear x-bow pants and get a HK merc. Add to that what evasion the mirage skill gives and you'll find that you hardly ever get hit.

This server I am a HK. But I hate playing game so, I'll be here on forums to help you all. I guess you all can call me 'Forum Guide Managerr' LOL
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