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 Holy Knight

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Number of posts : 22
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-08-22

Holy Knight Empty
PostSubject: Holy Knight   Holy Knight I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 8:49 pm

Mace set has better opts.
Sword set has more def(negligible later on) n better looks.
Upto you what u like i prefer mace because of the accuracy.

1:1 str:dex balanced(till knight rank) DONT KEEP ANY BLOOD Remove from blood if you feel like it.
If you have another char to boss with no need of str till this char overtakes the other.
So keep enought str for g9/g10 mace set.
Rest all stats in dex, and by rb3 you can go h2 with bor+heal.
Later on keep all str and balance the ratio and make it 1:1 till rb14.

As for passives dont go for non rb server passives.
Passives matter in rb servers oso but not the same ones as non rb servers.

PvP tips :-


1. Nvr chat while PVP

2. Use F1 and F2 to pot(This avoids typing 1111 or 2222 when u press Enter by mistake)

3. Know ur opponents strength

4. Know ur weaknesses against ur opponent

5. Never underestimate ur enenmy... (May sound familiar but this is actually very vital)

6. Carry atleast a set of Larcs...










HK's against Warriors:

HK's against warriors can be the most boring encounters of all.. HK's more often than not beat Warriors simply because the warriors cannot remove ne of HK's buff which is the biggest bonus a HK runs in with...

1. Buff urself and go forward

2. Put reduce and warat(Warat can nvr be removed by them)

(The rest of the hints is for high lvl 94+ players.. The one's below lvl 94 can just go and hit and heal when the HP bar is half or near half)

3. Put BoR and fight the warrior and when the HP bar is half or near half heal urself.. Warriors can nvr counter this... But beware of Cruize warriors... U need remove his cruize as soon as he puts it.. It is very much possible coz U can see when a Warrior is putting Cruize.. It is preferable to put Reduce on him as this will reduce his attack dmg as well... If u don't have good accuracy and u r against Sword warriors who have good Magic evasion then put Holy Weapon on them...

4. Nvr ever fight when the cruize is on... It deals a lot more dmg than u can expect as ele dmg is only that can get through BoR

5. If U r getting all messed up anywhere between the PVP then Razz the warrior and take a short break so that U can rethink

6. If he is doing lots of dmg or if the warrior is some 5-10 lvls higher to u, then the only way out is

a. But on BoR and Razz the warrior
b. Stand back and start doing Bonezpa
c. Continue doing it as long as U can get down his HP down by atleast 20k.. Don't prolong this as ur MP will burn out soon...

Only spear warriors can counter it or ne warrior with a good spear... But if u can use Lightning shield and heal ur self while doing it then U can counter is as well... And another important thing is "U need to have a good sword"

Most warriors give up when U start doing it as they know they will loose for sure... And they get very very frustrated...

Hk's against Archers:

The toughest for a HK to beat... But with good use of skills U can beat them... For this U need to have a MP ring(Preferably Iarrtekk) as U need to use ur skills umpteen number of times. ..

For HK's < lvl 92

1. Buff urself go ahead and hit them... Most archers try using Thunder arrow so that they can do extra Lightning attack on U... So it is important to calculate the dmg inflicted on U... If U think 1 Thunder arrow can remove 1/4th of ur HP bar then U can tank 2 thunder arrows... So U need to heal after every 2 thunder arrows... Even if a crit hits U wud be able to tank it... as it wud be able to take half ur HP out in 1 shot... So heal as soon as U see 1...

2. Normal arrows have to be tanked... Use HP... U will be having almost equal amount of HP...

3. Use Shield to remove mirage... I wud prefer using Warat... But if u miss then u'll have to pot the dmg there-by wasting ur HP...
Removing mirage is extremely important as it helps U buy time to land more shots on ur opponent as he tries to but Mirage back in...

Player > lvl 94

1. DO NOT BUFF URSELF.. YES DO NOT BUFF URSELF... Coz Archers have freewill... They will remove ur buffs even before U can reach them.. There by U r wasting precious MP...

2. As soon as U see the archer Razz him... He will try to freewill and get away... Use Razz again and reach to him... Again trying to get away??? U know what to do... Razz... I know this take out a lot of but it is worth a lot... Land atleast a couple of shots on him..

3. Start Using BoR when the archer is hitting...

While doing 2 and 3 U need to Pot HP... Don't try to heal as U'll let the archer run away..

4. Remove Mirage with shield...

5. Try as much as possible to Razz and hit the archer...

And don't forget to pot for MP... U may nvr know why u r unable to razz him... It is more often thn not coz of the MP... (I've done it many times myself )

6. When U find ur Hp to be less than half ur max capacity then start healing and hitting.. U may get stuck sometimes while doing this as the archer will be hitting continuously... Then U need to pot for HP and hit the archer...

The chances of A Hk winning against archers is remote coz their high agility... But if u can use the skills well and are fast enough then U can win against them... But always see to that U have the mirage removed...

HK against Mages:

Most important to note... Mages are very fragile when their HP absorber is taken off...

For HK's < lvl 92

1. Buff urself go ahead and hit them... Most mages use Meteor... So it is important to calculate the dmg inflicted on U... If U think 1 Meteor can remove 1/4th of ur HP bar then U can tank 2 meteors... So U need to heal after every 2 meteors... Even if a crit hits U wud be able to tank it... as it wud be able to take half ur HP out in 1 shot... So heal as soon as U see a crit...

2. Reach them, put Holy weapon and hit...

3. Don't be afraid of using HP.. Mages carry less HP than U...

For Hk's > lvl 94

Same as with Archers... But here U need to remover HP Absorber... And the moment u Razz.. Before the mage can Freewill and escape U need to put Warat.. Mages can nvr remove it... As we all know Mages have sad defense.. This will further reduce it there by U can get atleast 50 dmg more on them...

But there are a few problems here

1. Blood Mages: I hate Blood Mages coz they carry huge amounts of pots and do insane amount of dmg

But at the same time their agility(Hitting rate) is damn sad... We need to capitalize on that... If u remove the HP absorber it takes some time for them to put it back on and hit their spell... So.. While this U need to put ur BoR on... So that the dmg will be reduced... After this they try to freewill U.. While they try to freewill U need to remove the HP absorber and hit atleast a couple of shots...And the cycle will be repeated.. A tough job.. But once mastered can be done easily...

2. Run and hit mages: All hate such mages

But at the same time they waste a lot of MP on doing this... Sedi and hit takes out a lot of MP... U can always heal dmg as they hit Stigma on u... It is imperative that U don't use BoR as it sucks up ur MP without landing a single shot... Just heal.. They will come nest to U to hit SB when they see U healing urself... This is the time to razz, remove Hp absorber and hit...

HK against another HK:

The most boring encounters of all.. I call it the pussy fight... Most well matched encounters go on till time ends...

U need to be extremely fast fingered... Else u r giving an extra advantage to ur opponents

1. Buff urself...

2. Remove the opponents buff... When U see the opponent without shield or BoR.. HIT!!!!

3. Be wary of the MP... Pot intialy and then start healing urself... It is important to pot for HP in the beginning coz of 2 reasons:

a. U get u know the opponents damage..

b. How fast ur opponent is..

Once u know how good ur opponent is then U can play accordingly...

4. Do not buff urself unnecessarily... I've seen a lot of HK putting breath every 5 secs... BoR lasts for 15secs... Just concentrate on removing ur opponents buffs and putting ur buffs when he has removed it...

NOTE: Use larcs for all important matches... As the opponent wud always do.. Don't think abt the 100k which u have to waste... Think abt the result...

I guess its not too much -p
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